Saturday, April 4, 2009

Washington Whitehouse in Grand Rapids, Mi.?

Since I retired at the end of 2008, I have been trying to come up with ways to spend the day with Margaret when she gets a day off from work. My idea was to to take day trips to the museums of former Presidents of the USA. Because the mid-west was the home of many of them, it isn't hard to find one within a few hours of Toledo. President Gerald Ford lived in Grand Rapids Michigan. That's about 3 hours NW of Toledo near Lake Michigan. The museum is located on the banks of the Grand River.

Besides the normal presidential memorabilia, there was a traveling model of the Washington DC White House.

As you can see from the pictures it is very detailed. I included an inside view of the main


Margaret in Washington, I think not. They had a number of wall size blowups of Washington DC that you could pose in front of.

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