We had been to Mamouth Caves in Kentucky 2 times already, but never to any of the surrounding commericial caves. We decided to stop at Horse Cave, Kentucky.
This old town is about 6 hours south of Toledo, just north of Mamouth Cave off of I 65.
The cave is called Hidden River Cave and is right in the middle of town. Main St. runs right over the top of the opening. The large opening was formed when a sinkhole colapsed. You walk down about 230 steps to reach the river that runs under the town. Polution caused the cave to be closed for many years. Once the community realized the connection between dumping garbage and sanitary waste on the land and quality of their drinking water, they managed to clean up the underground river. It is so clean that that the animal species that only live in caves are coming back naturally.
Our halfway point in our travels is Tunica. Mississippi. As I mentioned before we like to gamble there when we have the chance.
We got into Austin about 6pm on Friday Oct., 3, 2008. We didn't have any plans other than enjoying the kids and being a part of their lives.
I took many pictures of the trip and have put them on Flickr. The link is http://flickr.com/photos/60999985@N00/ .
Check back again next week at the flickr.com site and I'll have more pics of Ryan and the kids.
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